Search Box

It’s not Google, but it’s definitely not LinkedIn 🙂

The search box lets you just search names…

search names

or, when you click on the person on the left - search everything else:

search titles

How to search

Quotes v Non Quotes

When Lime searches, it always broad matches - that means searching for helen will return helen, helena and st helen.

If you search without quotes with more than one word, like helen smith you’ll get records that match helen or smith - so - helen jones, john smith, st helen francis, jonesy jonson etc.

Add double quotation marks to search phrases - so search for "helen smith" to only return records that match helen smith (you’ll still get helen smithson as well as helen smith)

Negative Search

To negative match - or say that you don’t want something - add a minus sign immediately before your word or phrase : -helen means you don’t want anyone with a name like helen; -"helen smith" means nobody with a name like helen smith.

Tag Search

To search for records with a specific tag - search tag:marketing if marketing is your tag.

The same rules about quoting and broad matching apply.

Combining everything

Let’s say you want to search for everyone you know called Helen who’s in marketing : tag:marketing helen. Then you decide you don’t want them if you’ve also tagged them with ppc : tag:marketing helen -tag:ppc